Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Jeju, South Korea

Okay, so I've finally found it within myself to post my very first blog entry.  Woohoo!

안녕하세요.  처음 만나서 반가워요.  나의 한국에서 재미있는 영어를 가르치고 여행을 하는 경험을 소개하려고 이 블로그를 만들었어요.
*Hello, nice to meet you.  I've made this blog to introduce my interesting experiences teaching English and traveling in Korea.*

For those of you who don't know me or even those who do and simply haven't heard the news yet, I will be leaving soon on my way to Jeju, South Korea, where I'll be teaching English to Korean children.  Jeju is a small island off South Korea's southern coast and is considered by many to be the "Korean Hawaii." 

Jeju is that red marker.

I've never been to Jeju, but I did spend some time living in Hawaii and I find that nickname to be a bit of an exaggeration because Hawaii only has one season and that season is Perfect.  Apparently, Jeju-do (the '-do' after Jeju means island) has four seasons (사계절), and a very wide range of temperatures, which leads me to believe the "Korean Hawaii" moniker to be a bit overstated.

Regardless, the island is one of the most beautiful places I've ever researched.  Here are a few pictures courtesy of Google images:

Even though it has a more temperate climate than Hawaii, it is nevertheless a beautiful place and I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to spend the next year living and working there.

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